What Not to Say at a Job Interview
Always There Personnel is an employee placement company based in Fort Worth, TX. Our objective is to help people find job placement in an industry that they feel comfortable and can thrive in! We help with placement in medical, general, and skilled trades. With our company you are able to search jobs and apply online! Our unique service process allows us to take care of everything needed for your job placement!
- Background and drug screening
- Interviews
- Reference checks
- Testing for computer skills required
- Salary negotiations
And all of the important things needed to get you into your new position as soon as possible!
Interview Questions
As your probably aware interviews are basically a Q & A session that can be a make or break for the job wanted. You really need to be prepared and we want to help you be successful. Here are some helpful tip on what not to say at a job interview!
- Don’t talk about finances. Sure, you want to discuss salary but don’t make it the key point of your interview
- Prior job experience should be limited to how it can help with your success at this job. You don’t want to talk down your previous employer or job position.
- Lack of experience is not something you need to talk about. You can let the employer know you may need more training but keep it light
Do your research and brush up on questions to ask at an interview! Always There Personnel will help you along the way and help you find a position you will do well in and enjoy! Contact us today by applying online or call at (817)-624-1777. We look forward to helping you find your next career!